Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Little Steps, Big God - 11/7/2017

Little Steps, Big God

"Will Genesis International College ever get off the ground?"

Perhaps you've wondered that many times over the last few years. Losing our founding president before the arrival of any other team members in Osaka would seem to be fatal to the team. However, God has always been providing for little steps forward -- sometimes bigger steps -- and so our team remains confident that He has a plan for us here in Osaka.

We have a big God who sees all of eternity as a seamless tapestry that He has woven. We cannot know for sure that the vision we have for GIC will actually come to fruition. But we can rest assured that God's plan is better than anything we could ever imagine. If it's not a college, then perhaps it's an English school. If not an English school, then something else. While we don't know all the facts, we do know that God has not closed the doors on this vision. He is providing opportunities and hope for accomplishing the original vision for GIC.  Here are a few of the ways in which God is leading us, step by step:

Presidential Prospects: in September, a presidential candidate visited us in Osaka. Our team enjoyed our time with him very much, and see great potential with him at our helm. However, there are two other solid candidates as well. I met one of them a year ago in the States. He is about to finish his PhD and then is open to visiting Osaka to see what God may have in store for us and for him. Another person contacted me a few months ago, and we have visited online. I will meet him and his wife later this week in Texas while attending the PCA Global Missions Conference. Assuming our meeting goes well, they would then visit our full team in Osaka in the near future. Each of these three men have unique gifts that would make them effective leaders for our college. Please be in prayer as we meet with them and seek God's guidance in this critical BIG step forward.

Office/Classroom Space: as most of you know, we moved into our own space this past summer, remodeling and furnishing it to function as both our office and a small classroom. God provided a great location at a really good price, and all of that in a building owned by a Christian and with perhaps a third of the building's occupants that are either Christian ministries or Christian businesspeople.

ESL Certification: over the last few months, I and another team member have both completed courses to be certified as "English as a Second Language" teachers. As we work toward opening first an English school, and then the college, we want all of our teachers to be well-equipped to provide an excellent education to our students.

We are extremely grateful to God for these steps forward, and we trust that He is leading us in the path that He has determined for our ministry, and for His glory.


Nov. 9-12
I will be attending the PCA Global Missions Conferencein Dallas, TX later this week, and participating in two seminars -- "Single Serving: Life on the Mission Field as a Single Person," and "Do You Speak English?" focusing on various ways in which English can be used as a tool for the gospel. If you will be attending the conference, please look for me! I'll be spending much of my time at the Japan Partnership booth in the exhibit hall.

Prayer Points

Praise God that I passed the four week CELTA course in Seoul -- and that I survived a very busy four weeks. While certainly stressful, the course was very helpful in becoming a better teacher.

Praise God for THREE GIC presidential prospects! Praythat God will call one of these men to lead our college, and that we will see bigger steps toward fulfilling the vision we have to educate, equip, and empower young Japanese adults with not only an education, but also with the hope of the gospel.

Pray for unity on our team. As we have grown to a team of eight adult missionaries, each of us preparing for ministry in various ways (language school, teaching skills, recruiting, etc.), stress has been mounting. Pray that each person will be humble before God and with each other, each seeking to serve God and each other. Pray that we will be "known by our love" for one another (John 13:35).

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