Monday, January 23, 2023

January 2023 Update

Japan Vision Trip Report

I am thrilled to report on a very successful vision trip to Japan back in December! What made it very successful? Was it fun? Yes. Did I have a great time seeing old friends and teammates? Yes. But much more important than either of those, our Sydney group was challenged as we were exposed to a wide variety of missionary activities, all with the purpose of sharing the good news of God's free gift of salvation!

From December 5 through 15, I facilitated a vision trip, guiding four young adults from Harbour City Church through five cities and visiting missionaries from ten different missionary teams.

Some of our highlights included:
  • university ministry dinner with about 30 students in Nagoya;
  • touring Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya;
  • engaging English language learners in Osaka;
  • visiting an art gallery operated by MTW missionaries and learning how the arts can be used to connect with people and to share the hope of the gospel;
  • worshipping at a bilingual church in Sendai;
  • learning about church planting and various outreach ministries in Chiba, Tokyo, and Nagoya;
  • hearing a Juilliard School of Music organist and missionary and learning more about ministry opportunities using the creative arts;
  • teaching the children at a Christian school in Chiba about Australia.

Our Sydney team was encouraged as we learned how God is working in Japan, and several participants are considering what it might look like for them to potentially live and minister overseas.

Please pray that God will use this vision trip to impact the lives of the trip participants here in Sydney, but also their impact in missions around the world, whether that is through their own support of missions or their own getting up and going overseas.

Thank you for your prayers &
partnership in the gospel!

Jan. 30 - Feb. 2
I will be a presenter at our university ministry summer camp, speaking on "Am I Called to Go?"

February 9
We will hold an informational dinner for those interested in participating in, or potentially helping to lead City Sanctum. "CS" is a ministry to city workers that has been on hiatus for nearly two years due to Covid. Our vision is to be an outreach ministry, while equipping our church members with personal evangelism skills.

March 15-20
I will be assisting with the Island to Island conference, connecting Reformed pastors and ministries from the nations of the South Pacific islands. In these tiny countries, pastors often feel especially isolated and discouraged. The conference is in Fiji, and will also serve to reset my Australian tourist visa for another 90 days.

Prayer Points
Praise God for a very successful Japan vision trip! Pray that God will call one or more of the participants to overseas ministry.

 for the university ministry summer camp to be a spiritual blessing for the participants. Pray for each of the speakers, including myself, that God will speak through us.

Pray for the City Sanctum informational dinner on February 9, and that God will rebuild this ministry to be effective in calling the lost and equipping the redeemed.

Pray for two-month intern applicants to serve with our Sydney team in July-August. These are typically university students from the US & Canada.

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