Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Answer to Prayers - 12/22/2009

Please give thanks to the Lord for recent answers to prayer, including:
  • I learned on Friday that the adjunct teaching position at Chiba University has been filled by a Japanese national. This is disappointing as it seemed like such a great opportunity for the team to gain access to the campus an have influence for Jesus Christ upon the lives of many young people. However, I have learned from others and from my own experiences that when we ask God for something, we must accept His answer, whether it's the answer we wanted or not. His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are His ways our ways; He knows the plan, and we do not. We must have confidence that He has a good reason for closing that door at this time. I believe that this news came at this time because of your prayers, and I thank you for praying with me!

  • Another answer to prayers is some recent financial contributions and pledges. Saturday's mail included several response cards with gifts of various sizes including a one-time gift of $20,000. God uses large gifts and small, and I am very thankful for each of them and for each of you who have partnered with me in this way. It is humbling to see how God provides. Thank you to EVERYONE who has partnered with me financially. God loves a cheerful giver whether it's $20,000 or the New Testament widow's last two pennies; He sees the heart. "Thank you" to everyone!
Please continue to pray that god will bring in additional funds and prayer warriors so hat I might be able to depart for Japan in March. Although the faculty position is no longer in the immediate future, I'm eager to get to the work as I've been called and to help the team in Japan that so badly needs additional member.
It is just starting to sink in to me that I will likely be leaving soon for Japan as God has provided 62% of my budget! In October, Roger & Abi Lowther, who are part of the MTW team in Chiba/Tokyo, sent out an email asking for prayer for 19 individuals who would commit to giving $100 per month in order to meet their required budget and end them back to Japan. God provided in miraculous ways and met their needs within two or three weeks! After doing my own calculations, I discovered that I need just 20 individuals at that level! Please pray with me that God will provide quickly for me as well, but that i will trust in HIS timing and not my own. If you have not already done so, please also consider partnering with me financially, regardless of the amount. And remember that gifts sent before January 1 will be tax deductible for the 2009 tax year!
Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas in Japan - 12/6/2009

Included in this edition:
  • Christmas in Japan
  • End of Year Contributions
  • "Japan Righteousness"
  • Prayers -- Answered & New Requests
(Right-click on photo to open in new tab.)