Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Finding Hope in Turmoil

Life is hard. Years ago, "2020" sounded like a magical time; it certainly hasn't lived up to our expectations. In the USA alone, there has been 2,138,883 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 117,464 deaths. Racial violence has again reared its ugly head. Political vitriol has intensified (it's hard to know whether it is the chicken or the egg).

Social media is just depressing; I want to disengage from it and from all news media -- to isolate in my own little bubble. My friends of color don't have the luxury of tuning out the evil; why should I? We need to be socially aware and take responsibility in our actions and our voting.

How do we find balance in all of this? It can be overwhelming.

As I write this, I am listening to my newest iTunes song, "The Blessing," on repeat.  The lyrics are well-known to Christians, as we often hear the words at the conclusion of worship services ("the Lord bless you and keep you"). Familiar as the lyrics are, I really love the arrangement, and find comfort in the message.

This world is hard. We shouldn't be surprised by injustice, hatred, sickness, death. God's word tells us to expect these things. It also tells us to weep with those who hurt, and to seek justice for the oppressed. We are called to pray, "to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with [our] God" (Micah 6:8).

In John 16:33, Jesus says "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." The trials of this world are hard, but they are not forever. And evil does not win; God has already secured the victory!

There is great comfort in the gospel, and our calling to share that comfort remains. Our world is desperate for the hope that only Jesus Christ can give. And while protests and legislation might change men's behavior, or at least bring earthly justice, only our God can change the hearts of men and bring real change, and lasting peace.

If you're in need of some of that comfort, check out "The Blessing." I pray it will bring some healing to your soul.

Video Resources

SYDNEY MINISTRY: Want to learn more about the work to which God has called me in Sydney, Australia?  Click the video link here! The first part is especially for kids, but is educational for everyone as well!

VBS MISSIONARY VIDEOS: The MTW West Coast Hub office invited missionaries to submit videos for a Virtual VBS series. There are five videos from missionaries, including my own, and five from church leaders, all about missions, and all geared toward kids. (As I've not yet lived or served in Australia, my video is about Japan.) Click here to see all ten!

THANK YOU for your continued prayers and partnership in the gospel. Please let me know how I can lift you up in prayer as well!
My Status
There is no word on when the Australian borders will open, or when they will start issuing visas. A Google search shows they have had 7,320 confirmed cases of COVID-19. 6,838 people have recovered, and 102 have died. That means there are currently 380 current cases.

Because Australia is such a huge country with such a small population, and the cities are so far from each other, the spread of disease is hindered. MTW missionaries in Perth, in far Western Australia, have told me there are very few cases there. But that does not mean they are eager to open their borders, as that could bring in more cases.

Financially, I am at 96% of my required support, needing an additional $345 in monthly pledges. However, because I am not using much of my budget (I'm in the States, living with my mother, etc.), the funds I am not using are accumulating and will be divided by 48 months (a four year term), meaning that my need will go down. When MTW is able to give me a potential departure date, based on the Australian borders, I will need to raise any additional needed funds, and should be able to depart quite quickly.

If God has prompted you to join my team, you can make a pledge (or one-time contribution) ONLINE, or you can email your pledge to Brent Kooi or Brooke Boerner at MTW.

Prayer Points

Pray for God's grace to be shown in our country and our world in the midst of the pandemic and racial tensions.

Pray for missionaries around the world who are dealing with travel restrictions, some unable to leave for the field, and others unable to return to their home countries. Pray for the continuing ministry of their ministries, including new challenges such as lack of income and food in many places.

Pray for my nephew-in-law, Cody, who was diagnosed a few days ago with COVID-19. He has a wife, Naomi, and three young children.

Praise God for bringing my mom through a recent bout of shingles. She experiences occasional pain, but it is much better than two weeks ago.