Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024 -- Ministry & Injury


Bicycle Accident & Injuries

On Friday morning, while biking to the church, I rounded a corner too fast and with the inside-of-the-curve pedal in the lowest position causing it to meet the road, followed by my body hitting the road as well. The driver behind me and three nearby city workers all came to my assistance. I denied their suggestion for an ambulance; after lying on the sidewalk for 20 minutes, and attempting to stand, I booked an Uber to get me home. That evening, when I still couldn't put any weight on my right leg, I determined to go to a clinic the next morning just in case there was a more serious injury than scrapes and bruises.

With pain in my leg, lower back muscles, and rib cage, I had a CT scan, among other tests. These showed that my liver and pancreas had not been injured, but that I have five somewhat minor fractures:
  • Small crack in my fibula near the knee
  • Small crack in my femur near the knee
  • Three vertebrae with minor cracks
None of the fractures require surgery or really any treatment beyond a splint to keep my leg fully extended.

I will be seeing a specialist in the next couple of days for an MRI to determine whether a ligament has also been damaged.

While five fractures may sound awful, I'm not feeling all that beat up. I'm using crutches, as I can't place much weight on my leg, and my lower back muscles are sore. But I'm really not that uncomfortable.

I am thankful to God for protecting me from more serious injuries, and from serious pain. And I'm intent upon using my recovery time wisely -- being in the Word and in prayer more often, reading, etc. I'm also somewhat regretfully thankful for God forcing me to depend upon others more than I'd like. I have always tried to be independent, not a burden upon others, while also desiring to help those needing assistance. I'm reminding myself that this is time for me to experience the grace of God and his church, and to be gracious in accepting that help.

I appreciate your prayers for my recovery and patience during the process.

MTW Regional Retreat

Every four years, MTW missionaries from the Asia-Pacific region gather for a retreat. This time is meant to be a refresher for all of us -- relaxation away from ministry, worship of our God, seminars, fellowship with fellow missionaries, friendships for missionary kids with other kids who understand their unique life circumstances, etc.

The 2024 retreat was held last week in Indonesia. Dr. Julius Kim, a PCA pastor, former professor and Dean of Students at Westminster Seminary California, and former president of The Gospel Coalition, was our lead pastor during daily worship services. Sandra McCracken and her husband led music during worship and an evening hymn sing.

Email Address

Please note the new email address -- I will also retain my old Gmail account (and most email will go through that account), but MTW has issued email addresses to all missionaries, and newsletters will now come from this address. You may want to save the address to your contacts list to assure updates don't end up in your spam box.
Ministry Opportunities
In addition to regular ministry events such as City Sanctum and teaching opportunities at the church and university ministries, I've recently had regular times with a few young men doing woodworking projects.

With the tools acquired during the church renovations last year, projects have included tables, a chess board, and a board for "Settlers of Catan" (board game).

But more important are the relationships that are deepening, conversations about relationships and faith, etc. This is a great combination of tangible projects and relational ministry.

Visa Update
The application for my two year short-term worker visa was submitted on June 28. Instead of needing to leave the country every 90 days, I'm now restricted from leaving without a special travel visa (needed for MTW retreat last week).

There's no telling how long it may take for the application to be processed. I could hear tomorrow, or, as was the case for MTW friends in Perth, it could take 8 months. In the meantime, I live in some limbo, but trusting that God is sovereign over this process.


Oct. 10 - Nov. 4
USA trip for my mother's 90th birthday and MTW Global Missions Conference. I'll also spend some time in Jackson, MS between these two events.

Global Missions Conference

I encourage you to consider attending the MTW Global Missions Conference in Atlanta, November 1-3.

I'd certainly love to see you, but more importantly, the conference is sure to be a blessing to attendees as well as they hear how God is working around the world, how they can pray, and even be involved in the work of the gospel mandate. Click here for more info.

Prayer Points

Praise God for protecting me from more serious injury, and pray for quick recovery.

Praise God for great ministry opportunities with the young men at Harbour City Church and SOW university ministry.

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