Wednesday, April 22, 2020

God is at Work

"The best laid schemes of mice and men often go askew" (Robert Burns).

Remember when life seemed so predictable? We get into a routine and we think we can make plans for the future. We've got financial planners, party planners, electronic planners with multiple reminders. And yet one small incident can change everything -- for the whole world!

A month ago, despite a good many unknowns, I thought my future was fairly certain. I had a one-way ticket to Japan. I planned to spend three weeks there for a wedding and to ship or liquidate my storage room in Osaka. Then, pending a little more support, I hoped to be in Sydney by April 6.

What did YOU have planned? Normal work? School? Spring break? A wedding or other special times with family and friends? Probably none of us expected to be home 24/7; to not be attending church for 6-plus weeks; to homeschool our kids; to wear masks when we leave our homes.

This pandemic is a big deal. Businesses are closed; some of them will not reopen. The world economy has been badly shaken; it will take years to recover. We are missing family celebrations of marriages, graduations, funerals. To date, COVID-19 has claimed 42,486 lives in the USA, and 169,794 worldwide.  It is a big deal.

And yet God is bigger. There is great comfort for the Christian in knowing that God is still sovereign. The COVID-19 pandemic didn't surprise him, nor has it foiled his plans! He is working through it.

But what is he doing? Perhaps many of us can speak of small ways in which we see God working. But only time will tell how God is weaving together all of time and circumstances for his glory and our good. We can speculate . . . . I learned recently that following the Spanish flu pandemic 100 years ago, there was a surge in the number of missionaries going overseas! Over the last couple of years, MTW has been challenging PCA churches to pray and work toward sending 1% of their members overseas.* While we would never desire a worldwide pandemic, wouldn't it be wonderful if something so good came out of something so awful?

Proverbs 16:9 says "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." While we don't know how God will work, we can rest in the assurance that he is working. He uses even the worst of circumstances in accomplishing his ultimate and perfect plan.


* MTW missionaries currently account for 0.25% of PCA members. However there are many PCA missionaries in other organizations as well. Yet we are praying for 1% of our membership to serve overseas, whether they join MTW or other Christian missionary organizations. Please join us in prayer for this goal to send more missionaries out into the world!

Praying for YOU

How can I pray for you? Many people partner with me through prayer and through financial giving. But for this to really be a partnership, I want to know how to pray for you right now.

Please reply to this email. Tell me how you and your family are doing. Do you or your family or loved ones have COVID-19? Have you lost family or friends to COVID-19? How has the pandemic impacted your work? But also, how are you seeing God working right now?

Zoom video meeting with City Sanctum ministry in Sydney

My Status
MTW called me back from Japan after just one week. I was able to participate in my friends' wedding. I was able to have a shipping company remove my things from storage (it is being held in Osaka until I have an arrival date for Sydney). I returned to Iowa on March 25, spending two weeks in isolation. I'm now living with my mom, waiting out this pandemic.

I am in need of an additional $388 in monthly pledges before I can officially depart for Sydney. Will some of my supporters have to cut back their giving? How do I ask for support right now? Perhaps that is a lack of faith on my part in God's ability to provide. I know that ultimately the finances are all in God's hands.

While I can't do most of the things I would normally do to raise my support, there are a few other things to occupy some of my time. I'm on an MTW committee revising the way that new missionaries will be trained and on-boarded. I also started participating in City Sanctum (my primary ministry in Sydney) meetings via Zoom.

Video presentation of the work I'll be doing in Sydney.

Prayer Points

Of course pray regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for effective treatment and a vaccination. But even more than that, pray that God will use even an awful situation such as this for the proclamation of the good news of his grace.

Pray for missionaries who are overseas, perhaps unable to return to the States even if their situation requires it. Their separation from family and friends at this time is even more difficult. But their ministry in their fields is perhaps even more needed.

Pray for missionaries who evacuated from their fields, whether their choice or not. Their time in the States is often somewhat difficult in the best of situations. Now they are likely isolated from their friends and family as well. There are so many unknowns when they will be able to return.

Support Status

Praise God for providing 95% of my needed monthly support!

If you would like to partner with me through financial support, please email either me at or Brooke Richards at MTW. Or you can give online.

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